“Smile,” Euphony
I got tired of throwing beer cans at rats so I told Tommy I’d move us out of the coach house. But he had $20,000 worth of furniture and said he didn’t want it getting banged up in a U-Haul. He said the lady at the jibarito place always gave him free soup. He wanted to stay on the block and I said I’d find us a storefront and give Doodlebug fifty bucks to lend a hand. Tommy shrugged his shoulders, put on Earth, Wind & Fire, and opened a Modelo.
“The Rocket Ship,” Entropy
The rocket ship stood head and shoulders taller than me and twice as wide. I kept it in my bedroom and stuffed a towel beneath the door when I worked on it. From blueprints to paper mache it took about a month to complete. All it needed now was paint.
“It’s Not a Physical Going,” The Summerset Review
I'm staying with Chris because I punched Tommy. Tommy was my friend and my roommate and I punched him while he slept and I punched his dog while it barked. After that I didn't have a friend, or a home, or three jobs cooking shitty bar food, so I opened my closet and loaded up the Volvo. I grabbed whatever was in front of me, filling my arms with flannels and jackets in the middle of summer.